A Message From Our Dean - Regarding Hands On Hartford

Dear Cathedral Congregations,

It is with great joy that I share with you the news of the expansion of Hands of Hartford services on our premises.

Hands on Hartford, which evolved from the then Center City Churches ministry, has served our community for over fifty (50) years.

In addition to expanding meal hours, the new services will allow our guests to receive assistance for job interviews, resume writing, as well as guidance related to other needs affecting our food insecure and homeless population.

Barbara Shaw, Executive Director of Hands of Hartford, and I signed a memorandum of understanding that reflects our common work and partnership as institutions committed to serve and support those in need.

The new hours, effective March 14th,  will be: 

Mondays  9 am to 7: 30 p.m.

Tuesday- Thursday  9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.mThe expanded schedule creates more opportunities to serve.  To learn more about ways to connect and support this wonderful program and partnership, please contact Nancy Jacobs at [email protected]

As we celebrate 100 years of Cathedral Ministry, I am delighted that we continue our commitment to serve and journey with our brothers and sisters in need.

In God’s Service,



The Very Rev. Miguelina Howell

Cathedral Dean