12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm
Cathedral House
Cathedral House
Cathedral parishioners and others from around the Diocese prepare and serve lunch for Hartford's hungry. Learn more about Church Street Eats at www.churchstreeteats.org
6:00 pm
- 8:00 pm
Our Congregation Committee meets once a month to discuss Cathedral business and events. Committee meetings are not held on the months when Chapter meetings are held.
8:00 am
- 1:30 pm
Join us at our 8:00 am, 10:00 am, and 12:30 pm Eucharists as we celebrate Candlemas. The Presentation of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Temple A feast of our Lord celebrated on Feb. 2, also known as Candlemas and...
9:00 am
- 9:45 am
Join Adult Christian Formation, for 45 minutes between the 8 and 10 services on Sundays in February. February Formation SeriesJoin us for an engaging series exploring the governance and structure of the Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church (TEC), The Episcopal...
11:30 am
- 1:30 pm
Sunday Formation in Spanish:
February 2 & 9, 11:30am
February 16, 1:30pm: Workshop for Readers
February 23 & March 2, 11:30am:
Anglicanism Workshop (VIA)
12:00 pm
- 1:00 pm
Cathedral House
Cathedral House
Cathedral parishioners and others from around the Diocese prepare and serve lunch for Hartford's hungry. Learn more about Church Street Eats at www.churchstreeteats.org
6:00 pm
- 8:00 pm
Our Cathedral Chapter meets 4 times a year on our premises in person. A cathedral chapter in an episcopal church is a governing body that advises the bishop and manages the cathedral's operations. It serves as the equivalent of a...
9:00 am
- 9:45 am
Join Adult Christian Formation, for 45 minutes between the 8 and 10 services on Sundays in February. February Formation SeriesJoin us for an engaging series exploring the governance and structure of the Anglican Communion, The Episcopal Church (TEC), The Episcopal...
11:30 am
- 1:30 pm
Sunday Formation in Spanish:
February 2 & 9, 11:30am
February 16, 1:30pm: Workshop for Readers
February 23 & March 2, 11:30am:
Anglicanism Workshop (VIA)